More Than What Meets The Eye

Have you seen a bird in slow motion? A video HERE exposes how thoughtful the bird having a bath is at every move. To the average human eye, its actions are so swift that nuances are missed. It's as if we live side-by-side but at separate speeds or realms so that parts of the bird's existence are not observable. The Poets and Storytellers United prompt "which city do you dream of" had me thinking of a city that dwells alongside me and maybe you. A bit like the bird's unseen world, it can take any shape and unlike sandcastles, no need for pail or shovel, just a mystical eye and an essence of the soul.
Explore more at Poets and Storytellers UnitedSKYWATCH and Saturday's Critters

Check out my sites: Postcards from Penelope PuddleMusings of A Puddlist In B.C., and enjoy watching the little robin having a bath (below) at ExNews.


  1. I sometimes wonder about all the parallel worlds around us. Both the animal and human sides. Our experiences so much change out pereptions.

  2. ...most things are more than what meets the eye, the secret is to find out what that may be. The little cutie is having fun at the water's edge.

  3. I really like the first photo with the little girl. The reflections off the sand looks like stars in the sky!

  4. Love the gulls and the little girl playing on the shore. I like the poem, especially the line that say that good wins over evil and doors open for all. Take care, enjoy your day and happy weekend!

  5. Ah, that's a good dream to have of a good city!

    1. Oops, dunno what happened there, but this 'Anon' is me.

  6. It's as if we live side-by-side but at separate speeds or realms so that parts of the bird's existence are not observable - that is such a fabulous thought.. love this!

  7. Your poem, etched between these photos, makes me long for the innocence of an empty beach with birds and perhaps a child meandering. Such a lovely and insightful post!

  8. Enjoyed the little girl enjoying the shoreline most of all!

  9. Hello,
    I enjoyed the video of the Robin at the bath. Your gulls photos are awesome.
    Wonderful poem and photos. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  10. this really spoke to me as we live at the jersey shore. i enjoy seeing the gulls, and that sweet little girl. your pictures are beautiful!!!

  11. I love the photos that look so magical! You've shared some beautiful scenes and photos! Enjoy your weekend!

  12. I liked reading this, but like the poem by Robert Southerly,
    . . . "What are little girls made of?
    What are little girls made of?
    Sugar and spice and all things nice,
    And that are little girls made of.”
    Reads nice but too good to be true, like a fairy tale. I like you pictures also, the small girl is precious.

  13. There is so much we miss in nature when we don't stop, and actually look closely and listen. We usually let that world slide by without a thought. Enjoyed this post.

  14. Thank you for the video. I have seen a slow motion video of my grandkid splashing in a pool and soap bubbles taken by my iPhone. I love the images of a girl at the seashore and the seagulls.

  15. City of souls ... how lovely.

  16. Favorite is the little girl photo ~ awesome post ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  17. Pictures and words - both lovely. J Cosmo Newbery. Google hates me, wont let me post as me. Sorry.

  18. I enjoy these posts. And always enjoy these lovely images.

  19. This is a beautiful dream, and the pics of the little girl so aptly portrayed with stars is just awesome

  20. Your poem and intro bring to mind all the different ways different people see my city, New York. To me, it's just home--full of buildings and people and the occasional bit of wild. Then there is the New York visitors see. I love listening to tourist speak about their New York vacations. Like with the bird, I feel like I miss so many things because New York life is so fast. Seeing it through their eyes, my city gets bigger.

  21. Very well written with stunning pics

  22. City of Souls is beautiful, as is the the one of the birds back to back. That video was a great bonus. Thank you.


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