Scary Thoughts On A Not So Scary Walk

Ivars Jansons' Lazy Morning print that I have and love for its touch of darkness seemed right for the backdrop of this latest prose inspired by the Poets and Storytellers United word prompt "not so scary anymore". While we focus on made up monsters in movies and in life, true villains too often succeed in their dastardly deeds. Yes. There are real monsters among us and sometimes we are them, although few feel they are on the wrong side of justice. Who among us believe themselves to be scary or capable of grave injustice? Yet, the potential to behave as devils or angels resides within us all.


  1. Beautiful photos, the flowers are lovely. I like to think that there are more angels than devils in our world. Take care, enjoy your day!

  2. Love the "poem" realistic for our times. "...the human mind is the room where real monsters live." Indeed. I have to remember this all the time, when life seems overbearing... We all have a "dark side" for sure... _/\_

  3. Beautiful photos, and powerful prose. Childhood fears are gone (mostly), but unfortunately replaced more complex "adult" fears.

  4. Great poem and yes human minds are where the real monsters are.

  5. Still lovely even with the hazy looking sky. #Skywatch

  6. ...thanks for sharing the beauty that surrounds you, take care and be well.

  7. Insightful poem, beautiful flowers. Thank you so much

  8. Awesome nature photos ~ favorite are the sunflowers and great post to remind of us of our responsibilities ~ hugs,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  9. "Oh, the mind, mind has mountains"...


  10. So wise and true, your words – sadly. Most of these photos look as if they could have been taken here in Australia, though I know otherwise – which reminds me that the world is all one really, and sparks a wish that we could all embrace our common humanity instead of sometimes being swayed by its worst aspects.

  11. Beautiful all these flowers. I absolutely love that print and your poem indeed suits it well Beautiful and poignant Love the first line and that last line is so true

  12. Bravo! Indeed the worst monsters are in the human mind... destroying children and the whole planet...

  13. Hello,
    Your photos and poem are beautiful, I love all the flowers and the goose garden art.
    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  14. The art is very interesting and makes you want to stop and look at the details. Thanks for sharing!

  15. A sobering perspective. The juxtaposition of innocence and reality is striking. I love the photos!

  16. i like the art that is the backdrop for the lovey poem. beautiful flowers, sunflowers are always such a bright spot in a garden. enjoy your sunday!!

  17. I love the print you used as backdrop for your excellent poem.
    Flower photos rock!


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