Being Penelope Puddle In White Rock

Penelope Puddle lives in my imagination as well as in book and greeting card forms at the White Rock Museum, a former train station in the small charm-filled community in Western Canada near the US border. Its population of some 20,000 greets thousands more visitors from around the globe yearly. The Poets and Storytellers United prompt "inhabit a character in a myth or fable" inspired me to write a poem about my locally known Penelope character and her umbrella after recently dropping off some cards.
The Museum is on the ocean side and just steps away from the beach and pier.
Across the street there are many shops and restaurants ... the one serving something called "bubble tea" sounds like a good one to try.
To get to the beach one must first cross the tracks running alongside the former station. Many trains go by daily. This includes the Amtrack traveling from Seattle, Washington, to Vancouver in B.C., as well as strings of freight cars carrying hazardous goods. So a bit of anxiety is mixed with the excitement and wonder a train brings.
Solutions are slow to come but concerns have resulted in a well-placed fence near where trees are in no hurry to bloom and Penelope settles on a shelf at the gift shop.
Did you ever have a pretend friend? My daughter provided me with the Penelope character through her paintings when she was a child. Her imagination piqued mine.

Explore more at Poets and Storytellers United and SKYWATCH

Because the state of our planet is the most pressing issue of our time, link up and learn about the  Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Report.



  1. Oh that looks like a wonderful place to visit.
    I notice in my town there are shops that sell Bubble Tea. I will have to go check it out.

  2. ...I love the piers that are along the west coast. Have a wonderful weekend and thanks for stopping by.

    1. Fascinating post about the museum, the train and your book ~ you are so creative and caring ~ Xo ~ Love Penelope ~

      Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
      A ShutterBug Explores,
      aka (A Creative Harbor)

  3. You have a wonderfully creative imagination! Crossing those tracks could be dangerous. Some of those trains travel at high speed!

  4. Hello,
    White Rock looks like a beautiful place. Beautiful water views and the train station is charming. Love the Penelope poem. Take care, have a happy weekend!

  5. I love the way Penelope sees the world, and how she relates to it. She sounds like someone I would love to listen to for hours and hours--such a beautiful soul.

    I'm quite taken by visual art, too.

  6. From the mouths of babes. I wasn't impressed with bubble tea. Every time you say 'umbrella' I think of the Police song.

    1. How wonderful about the song. I never thought of that until now and those words, "Every little thing she does is magic"!

  7. Delightful poem, and post. Nice to become better acquainted with Penelope Puddles.

  8. "Life is a wave..hang loose" - love that... and the little town and converted train station museum... and bubble tea is yum, by the way!

  9. Imagination and curiosity - we can learn a lot from Penelope Puddles - delightful poem and your little town looks so charming.

  10. I'm sure Penelope Puddle would say thank you to all who have visited her journey!

  11. I like it that an old station is repurposed into such a charming museum. You are so imaginative and thoughtful. Whenever I see umbrellas in various different patterns and colors, I think of you and Penelope. Imagination, playfulness and curiosity help me to see the world positively when seeing and facing many difficulties.

  12. Being Penelope is fun....nice little poem....Love the pics as well. .....Rall

  13. My daughter had a pretend friend when she was little, who was absolutely real to her.


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