Van Gogh's Paintings On The Wall & Chalk-Art On The Road

Busy as a swarm of bees in a vast and starry cosmic sea it is not uncommon to create buzz or want to leave our mark in some unique way. Sometimes it's a compulsion that drives us as it was for artist Vincent Van Gogh who began painting in his late twenties until his early death by apparent suicide in 1890 at the age of 37. Underappreciated in his time, it was beyond his scope to imagine his work would garner world-wide fame and millions upon millions of dollars. He was wonder-filled but perhaps lacked insight into how to achieve a contented life. A melancholy man whose work now evokes so much joy is a sad irony. Stepping into his paintings felt a bit like stepping onto his soul. Floating large and carefree at Imagine Van Gogh In Vancouver, his creations projected onto walls were thrilling to see. These are my photos of the event with exception of the last one of locally drawn chalk-art. The seahorse on the road by an unknown artist will wash away in the next rain slow to arrive. I'm guessing it might have gotten approval even from Van Gogh who through miracles of talent and chance left a lasting legacy.

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Still the kid I used to be

Visit Postcards From Penelope Puddle and Musings of A Puddlist In B.C. to view more West Coast scenes.

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  1. That is SO COOL...I'd love to have visited there!!! Nice!!

  2. Wow. We're going to see this in Charlotte NC in August. We saw Klimt's in Paris 3 years ago.

  3. This would be an overwhelming exhibition. I'm amazed at the scale of it. He was such a genius.

  4. Maria - thanks so much for linking to Mosaic Monday! What a glorious way to experience Van Gogh. Larger than life!

  5. We had this exhibition here as well. I went to the one in Wellington with my daughter. They projected the paintings on containers as it was outside. Loved it as I love Vincent I have a poster of Cafe Terrace at night and another favourite is starry nights

  6. Hello,
    I would love to see this exhibit. It does feel like you could step into his paintings. Love the seahorse! Take care, have a great day and week ahead.

  7. It looks an amazing exhibition. Thanks for sharing.

  8. It is a stunning exhibit. We attended the original in Paris in 2019 then in Toronto in July 2020.

  9. A fabulous exhibit no doubt and very creatively done. Perhaps there will be more.

  10. Those projections are amazing -- what a wonderful idea to enable viewers to almost literally immerse themselves in the paintings. I think I could happily live in the first ones.

  11. I'm sorry. We had no electricity and therefore now my late comment here...

    ...thank you for sharing, I enjoyed reading.

    Happy MosaicMonday

  12. Incredible exhibit ~ a wonder to see ~ Xo

    Living in the moment,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  13. Oh wow, what an amazing exhibit! Great photos Penelope. Thank you for sharing them.


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