From The Heart

It snowed on Valentine's Day while the Buddha outside my window stayed calm. Seeing it across the yard was reassuring somehow. The tilted cap on his head was modest in contrast to the tall snow cone hats he has worn in other winters. It was amazing to think every falling flake gathering in clumps of snow was unique on a molecular level, although the human eye sees 35 somewhat similar patterns. 

There would be no sitting out on the patio just yet but spring is around the corner and spring cleaning was something I began earlier in the pandemic. In the process, I gave away the old cabinet (below), with patterns of a different sort, to make room for another cabinet. The stranger who took it will hopeful make good use of it.
I didn't like letting it go because of the sentimentality and the charm of the hand-painted designs created by the husband of a friend. Both since passed away so I felt responsibility to care for their treasure. 

It was time to save the compelling carefully drawn art electronically in a file where I could view the shapes on a screen and print them on paper with a simple click. To keep and share a memory with a photograph is one of life's most remarkable treasures.  

These one-of-a-kind snowflakes will not melt so easily.

Nor will my wish for an extra sprinkling of Valentine's sweetness over what sometimes can seem like a heartless world.

Explore more of the artistic side of life at Paint Party Friday 

See more wonders at OUR WORLD. 

Still the kid I used to be

Visit Postcards From Penelope Puddle and Penelope Puddlisms: BC Life Is A Whale Of A Ride to view more West Coast scenes.

Because the state of our planet is the most pressing issue of our time, link up and learn about the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Report.


  1. Fun Post. Love the snow flakes. I'm longing for spring here! Have a great week, Valerie

  2. That's a very unique cabinet. It's a good idea to take photos of the lovely artwork.

  3. What a divine series of wintry photos ~ love the buddha ~ and thanks so much for letting me know abut my blog not being on your list ~ not sure how to fix it ~ my link is but the blog title is A ShutterBug Explores ~ do see that on your reading list ~ Others have been thrown off blogger after updating their operating systems ~ Guess Google is making a mess of blogger ~ sigh

    Moment by Moment,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  4. you share many beautiful designs and the cabinet too. Glad you kept a photo to remember :)
    Take care!

  5. Those are really beautiful designs on the cabinet. I'm glad you kept and shared them with us. I've taken a screen shot. Really beautiful and subtle.

  6. I love that cabinet! And so pretty with snow.

  7. start from Buddha end with sweetness of Valentine... wonderful photos.

    Happy Valentine's day.

  8. very nice cabinet. you found good way to keep the memory alive.

  9. Beautifule details, like snowflakes. I can see and feel that spring is coming, what a relief. Longer days are more than welcome! :)

  10. Your Buddha looks so charming with a white beret and a shawl. The cabinet is really beautiful with interesting patterns. I also take photos of things with fond memories when I have to let it go. Stay warm, and take care.


  11. I hope the Buddha’s hat doesn’t grow any taller this Winter. Brrr. Digital photography is a blessing for sure and you saved sweet memories beautifully.

  12. Love your sweet Buddha in the snow... Calmly meditating in silence, at peace... Definitely reassuring

  13. Marvelous snowy photos. Loved the statue of Buddha particularly, so serene in any setting. The chest will be loved in its new home.

  14. Instead of a Buddha I have many cat statues on our balcony and now they all wear white hats ! But the snow lasted only 2 days and now we have real spring temperatures ! I wonder if it pleases our dear Virus to have -10°C and then + 12 ° ! It's not worthwhile to separate summer and winter clothes !

  15. Hello,

    Pretty snowy images, I love the snow covered Buddha. I think the new owner will love the chest. The photos are a great way to keep your memories alive. Take care, enjoy your day!

  16. Maria - I can't imagine my life without photos - for me, it serves as a memory jogger when I have long forgotten events and places!!! Enjoy your weekend!


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