If I Were A Cloud

The Poets and Storytellers United prompt "silver linings", symbolizing optimism, reminded me of hopefulness not so fanciful as in youth. More resilient and perhaps "realistic", my silver lining is not broken but a bit less shiny nowadays.
The top and next two photos below were taken last year I think at around this time.
This is what the sky looked like in a large puddle after the rain.
And since we are speaking of silver linings, the upcoming movie An Optimist's Guide to the Planet focuses on human-made clouds and more to combat climate change. The brief trailer (below) could give even the ardent pessimist a reason to smile.

Explore more at Poets and Storytellers United, and SKYWATCH

Because the state of our planet is the most pressing issue of our time, link up and learn about the  Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Report.



  1. Oh I love your top photo! The puffy clouds look like cotton candy on top of the trees :) Sometimes I like to use my imagination and be playful, even though current surroundings are challenging, and the world seems to be falling apart, and things don't have quite the luster they once had when I was young. I'm learning (hopefully) to take a different view of things, see through a different lens. Just like your camera :)

  2. Beautiful sky images and a great reflection photo. I associate silver lining with hope.
    We can not loose hope! Take care, have a great day!

  3. I love your poem It sings and the background is beautiful as well. Even though the hope is diminished it is still there. That is visible in the video you showed which is a necessity to see to keep it up. The photos of the beautiful nature beckon to honour it

  4. I love the clip for An Optimist's Guide to the Planet. The comment that links growing food with giving life is especially important. Good minds are working toward more harmony in our world. That's a silver lining.

  5. I think our days tilt like the moon as we traverse the sky of days and the silver lining is looked at through another lens and angle.

  6. Wonderful poetry and awesome nature photography ~ Wow!

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  7. Experience and open-eye living does this to us all. Many years ago, my silver linings looked like fairy tales. These days they are the flashes of triumph I glimpse through the quest that is life.

  8. That first photo is amazing. What a beautiful sky!!!

  9. Lovely photos, a sweet verse, and a movie to turn me from an 'ardent pessimist' about the fate of the planet! Wonderful!

  10. Lovely images and poetry! My lining is becoming more and more tarnished as years pass. Hoping it doesn't disappear before I do.

  11. Yes growing up is learning to thread sun and rain together perhaps! Nicely said. I like to think I am a realist (not a pessimist) on climate change and I believe if we don't stop fossil fuels, nothing else will matter :( All the little things count but won't be able to stop the warming... :(

  12. The skies are beautiful , I’m especially fond of “upside down” sky views, so the puddle reflection is a favorite. I hope I’ll find the film on one of our subscriptions. (Sallie @ full-time…. Google is giving me signin grief)

  13. Gorgeous in words and images. Thank you so much and happy weekend to you :)

  14. Tight poem. You have a very interesting process of combining language and art.

  15. Man made clouds.. how fascinating. Lovely poem and beautiful photos.

  16. I guess that Silver Cloud has a dimming light as we grow older and are set in our ways?? Lots to think about in your lines.

  17. Love the shift from fanciful to resilient! Less shiny, but still holding its luster. And the sky photo! Wow.

  18. I really do need to pay more attention to the sky. Even when I do I tend to ignore the clouds as I search for raptors.

  19. I have the same feeling with your nicely woven poetry. The video keeps me hopeful. While there are many destroyers, there are the creative and resilient minds to overcome the problems this planet faces. I like the hopeful images of the branches with bountiful seeds reaching up to the skies.

  20. I love watching the sky, day or night, I love sunsets and sunrises and think that wherever you are the skies always the same. I loved what a little English boy said, mom the moon sleeps, because in Egypt the moon lay down while we have like a croissant the half moon standing up.

  21. Maria - I like your poem - things and people can tarnish with age, but they are still as valuable as ever! And thanks for the tip on the movie - right up my alley! Thanks for visiting my blog and taking the time to comment. The cross-stitch piece is one of the few that I am actually going to keep!

    1. Nice! I must say having the hand-eye coordination to create such an intricate piece is a gift in itself. :)

  22. Optimism is an elusive quality these days for me -- thank you for providing the link to something that will help.


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