"Someone has a great fire in his soul and nobody ever comes to warm themselves at it, and passers-by see nothing but a little smoke ... " - from Van Gogh Letters
There is often something we don't have but want, no matter what walk of life. Dreams big and small play in our minds, whether the yearning is for better health, wealth, companionship or fame. Some dream of escaping war or poverty or having a safe bed in which to rest. Endless dreams drift in and out of our waking hours amid realities that can take us down harsh roads. Vincent Van Gogh, this week's prompt at Poets and Storytellers United, had no income. His paintings were viewed as worthless and he died dejected. He'd be shocked to know his work was worth millions today not only because it stirs emotions but because of his personal tragic story. The fruits of his passion were savoured only after his death and decades later at exhibits such as one I visited HERE.
Sometimes dreams do come true but too late for the dreamer ...
making any breath taken with awe and wonder, even in moments unfulfilled, priceless.
Explore more at Poets and Storytellers United and SKYWATCH.
Check out my sites: Postcards from Penelope Puddle and Musings of A Puddlist In B.C.
Because the state of our planet is the most pressing issue of our time, link up and learn about the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Report.