Hitched To A Bewitching Journey

Birth starts our time to shine … some get lucky breaks, others misery, most a bit of everything inbetween. I don't want to get grim at this bewitching hour but birth is also the start of dying. Although some rest in regal corners and others in unmarked graves, we cozy up to the elements together, converting to matter and, some say, pure spirit.
The moon teased the night sky, a glowing yet clouded crystal ball shrouding the future.
Poets and Storytellers United had me contemplating death and life with the prompt, el Día de Muertos (Day of the Dead), when souls of the deceased rejoin family briefly for a celebration. (I should note Day of The Dead, despite similarities, is not Halloween in Canada on October 31st, a time for treats, costume-wearers, spooky lawn ornaments and black cats.) It's fine to pick a special day but loved ones are never far from my thoughts. Family that passed away as well as cherished friends, and dear pets, all flit in and out like ghostly gusts in my head while I absorb and am absorbed by the scenery.
Explore more at Poets and Storytellers UnitedSKYWATCH and Saturday's Critters

Because the state of our planet is the most pressing issue of our time, link up and learn about the  Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Report.



  1. Love the photo of the moon! - and your phrase "bask in the cosmic bloom" :)
    Gorgeous Fall Foliage. Yes, tis that time of year where nature transitions, bringing thoughts of death and dying and the afterlife... I think the Day of the Dead here is on Nov. 1 - not sure. Some call it All Souls Day.... In either case - Happy Bewitching Journey :)

  2. Beautiful moon shot. You're helping me get in the mood for Halloween!

  3. Marvelous photos and verse to accompany the narration.

  4. Yes, any we've loved cannot be forgotten, and there comes a time when the memories of those who have died become more pleasurable than painful.

  5. Love your cosmic blooming! :♥

  6. Wow, Blogspot's behaving so badly I completely forgot what I was about to say...oh yes...lives flowing back into the Earth like raindrops is a nice image...

  7. Awareness of mortality is a reminder to become aware of the present moment

  8. Astute and beautiful words and fun photos ~ love the kitty ~

    Wishing you good health, laugther and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  9. Gorgeous photos and a beautiful poem. I love the kitty and the moon. The fall colors are beautiful, this has been a lovely ear for the beautiful colors. Cute Halloween decorations. Thank you for linking up and sharing your critter post. Take care, have a great weekend.

  10. ...I wish you a spooktacular Halloween.

  11. Gorgeous photos! Thank you for sharing this thought-provoking poem.

  12. Hello :=)
    Super spooky photos and poem. I love the autumn colours, the moon, and your black cat.
    All the best

  13. It's fun to see all the neat decorations. Enjoy your Sunday!

  14. You write so beautifully. Great pictures.

  15. we are on the same page today!! lovely fall images and halloween decorations!!

  16. Marvelous post, and wonderful words. Love the poem and all these beautiful images, and the fun Halloween ones.

  17. I really love the final line of your poem. If feels me with a sense of hope. Even when all isn't perfect, there is always room for something good.

    Love the pictures too.

  18. I love, "bask in a cosmic bloom". Wonderful poem, and splendid photos!

  19. Wow! I love your poem, and also the photos of late fall.


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