Spiraling Situations In Happy Places

Santa Monica is not unusual in that the homeless linger there, similarly to world-over. When something nefarious hooks us, be-it mental illness, addiction or unlucky breaks, we can get lost with nowhere to go except a "cozier" climate. On my brief visit, I saw different people seemingly asleep on the mattress below, oblivious to passersby who pretended not to see them. The distressed rest out in the open and in shadows. They, and the Poets and Storytellers United prompts: "storm, ink, love" inspired my verse.
The Elephant Parade was also in town. They, too, needed our help. Their artistic rederings were stunning. But just twenty percent of sales go to elephant conservation.
Despite worldly problems, most people were out and about enjoying their day.
I saw walkers, joggers, cyclists, swimmers and surfers in and around Palisades Park.
I saw many shade trees such as the symmetrical ficus microcarpa with its smooth pale bark. Known as the Indian laurel fig, it bears fruit edible to birds but not humans.
Of course, the beautifully swaying palm trees were around every corner.
Less typical was the tree sculpture of artful chains called Chain Reaction (below) near the local courthouse. The peace monument in Santa Monica is a cautionary tale depicting the mushroom cloud of a nuclear explosion.
It's not easy to tell where sky ends and sea begins or where pitiless fate will take us.
Hundreds of thousands of homeless never expected to be in such a predicament.
A ride viewed from the Santa Monica pier reminded me that life is a bit like the spin of a gambler's wheel. Earthquakes, fires, floods and war can instantly turn the tide from stable to chaotic. I would also note good fortune, too, can strike at any time.
Explore more at Poets and Storytellers UnitedSKYWATCH and Saturday's Critters

Because the state of our planet is the most pressing issue of our time, link up and learn about the  Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Report.



  1. The Chain Reaction sculpture is amazing! Thank you for all the beautiful images and insights

  2. beautiful scenes with gorgeous blue skies

  3. Homelessness just seems to worsen, with no end in sight. Very sad. Interesting juxtaposition with one of the wealthiest areas in the world.

  4. ...the cost real estate must be driving people into homelessness. I don't understand how people can live in certain housing markets.

  5. We have lots more homeless here. People can end up homeless for a bunch of reasons. Tulsa is like number one in the nation in evictions. Under OK law a landlord can evict somebody for a good reason, bad reason, or no reason. Lots of people who complain about heating, air conditioning and such are evicted.

  6. Your photos are beautiful What a great sculpture is the mushroom cloud albeit a sad one. As is homelessness which spreads like fire around the world. I absolutely love your amazing poem. The last line is particularly strong "even rainbows sink if no pot of money"

  7. Beautiful photos of the beach, trees and sky! I love the elephant and the Peace monument is amazing. It is sad so many in our country are homeless, it doesn't help that the cost of living is so high. Take care, have a great day and happy weekend.

  8. I love the line 'even rainbows sink if no pot of money.' Here's a bit from my visit there in 2012. We also went to Hollywood. https://looseleafnotes.com/2012/02/all-i-want-to-do-is-have-some-fun/

    1. Thanks for the link, Colleen! I did visit and marvel how even a decade later we are on the same merry-go-round. Seems like not much has changed … good and bad but for that perhaps we should be grateful?

  9. How apt are your words, while the mattress underlines the problem in a hard-hitting, graphic way, sending a great message to us all...

  10. Wonderful post with meaningful social issues to ponder and photos say it all ~ that said ~ ironically ~ my favorite photo is the very beautiful beach shot ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  11. The plight of the homeless seems to be getting worse, in that there are more and more of them due to our various global and local disasters.

  12. Interesting pictures. I don't see homeless in my area, but it is such a growing issue across the US and the world. Love the beach pic!

  13. the tree sculpture of artful chains "Chain Reaction" is a powerful visual. Your pictures have a lot of serious things to say.

  14. Hello, Maria
    It is sad there are so many homeless people in our great country. I love the beach scenes and the elephant statue. Great poem. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a happy weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  15. There are many un-housed people here in Eugene Oregon too. And the climate is really not so lovely year-round. Our city government and private charitable organizations have done quite a bit to try to help to alleviate the problem. But never enough as the numbers keep rising.

  16. I was there several years ago. None of this was an issue then.
    Times they are a-changin.
    Fascinating chain tree.

  17. The fate of our lives isn't always in our hands. We try so hard to stay afloat, but there is no promise that hardships won't come. We do what we can, but it is never enough. We've seen homeless people quite a bit here at street intersections asking for money, and living in the weeds near overpasses way before covid ever became a problem. I never talk much about climate change because it's in one ear and out the other. No one seems to care until it's too late.

  18. Things happen and send us to an unexpected direction. We can’t stop them happen but can minimize the damages with self-preparation and helping hands from others. Pretending not to see and no voicing up to the evil customs of the society can’t make any change. The mushroom cloud of the Chain Reaction looks so real.

  19. The mushroom cloud sculpture is quite captivating, despite its unsettling symbolism.

  20. I agree with Rosemary. Global weather issues are going to make things so much worse.

  21. "even rainbows sink..." loved that and thank you for the "tour"

  22. I think there are more and more homeless people in the world. When I see all the people of North Africa escaping in nutshells to Italy, it's horrible. And there is not enough room for everybody. You photos are beautiful .

  23. Thank you for the poignant pics as well as the beautiful ones ... so much to think about in your write too

  24. I wish we could do away with homelessness. I wish they could find a solution that would benefit everyone. Great images!

  25. I love these photos, Penelope, and the stories you tell us. Thank you for sharing :-)


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