Pleasures & Prayers

Do you have a secret wish sometimes whispered in a prayer? I think we all do and sometimes they come true. The Poets and Storytellers United prompt "what pleases you" had me thinking of all the heartfelt prayers waiting to materialize in our chaotic serendipitous world. Meanwhile, there's lots we can do. And if a box of chocolates doesn't suffice, there's eye candy and much more to enjoy in everyday life.
Surely the gods would agree a skirt billowing in the breeze is, indeed, a beautiful thing.
Tiny seahorses inspire the imagination, even when floating on a beach towel.
Banners depicting wildlife dress up the sky. Their cheery flapping lifts the mood.
Much is unpleasant and wrong in life but we can't wait for perfection and must go on, finding pleasures along the way. Sometimes that means escaping into a good movie, which is what my husband and I did on our anniversary. More than a pink fluffy tale, the Barbie story (imo not suitable for very small children) creatively provided poignant views on the roles men and women play in society. I laughed. I cried. I contemplated.
When my daughter and I played with the dolls, it was about fashion and storytelling ... a step up from the cut-out dolls I had as a child. I found our Barbie stuffed in a box. She hadn't aged, although her blond hair turned whitish. Her sidekick, Ken, was in a bigger box with the dollhouse furniture. In the movie, both Barbie and Ken evolved.
The day was particularly special because rain fell after more than a month of dryness.
Luscious clear rain water splashed on the stones exposing their deepest hues.
I delighted in the dousing and the umbrellas popping up and bobbing along the road.
Explore more at Poets and Storytellers UnitedSKYWATCH and Saturday's Critters

Because the state of our planet is the most pressing issue of our time, link up and learn about the  Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Report.



  1. I took my granddaughter to see the Barbie movie yesterday. Something we could both enjoy!

    1. Any granddaughter that can surf would breeze through this movie!

  2. I like the colourful banners.

  3. Wonderful after the rain photos and the umbrellas are so creatively photographed as are the wet stones ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days ~
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  4. Love your poem 'The wishes who fly in with flair' Beautiful photos and a familiar sight that rain We had lots of it. We have winter however. Interesting that you enjoyed the Barbie movie From what I have seen of it on TV it doesn't appeal much to me.

    1. Thank you, Marja. I agree the television clips that I've seen don't show the range that is actually in this movie. :)

  5. Hello
    I love your photos and your poem. There are so many beautiful things in the world, we just have to notice the beauty. At times we can ignore chaos in the world. I like the seahorse beach towel, the banners , the raindrops and umbrellas. Take care, have a great day and happy weekend.

  6. Thanks for sharing all these pleasures! It gave me pleasure to read and see.

  7. I thought the B was a 13! And then thought you almost had a thirteen thursday post here. I'll eventually see the Barbie movie. She has certainly stirred nostalgia. I like the skirt in the wind.

  8. Interesting to know you recommend the Barbie movie ....anyone who is inspired by seahorses on a beach towel is my sort of person:) I will see it eventually too.////Rall

  9. Greetings! I was on the fence regarding the movie, however your brilliant post with amazing photography to match has convinced me it's "a must." Cheers!

  10. I've always wanted to polish rocks, put them in the tumbler and turn it on. I have a few pretty ones that could be prettier. Especially a Green on I rescued from a stream in a country I'll not mention. I was bright and shiny in the water but very dull when it dried. I have been planning on seeing Barbie.

  11. We definitely have to look for the beautiful things in life and often they are right there in front of us. There is nothing like a soaking rain after a long dry spell. The earth just sings and breathes.
    I am looking forward to seeing the Barbie movie. I want to see what all the fuss is about!!

  12. there's eye candy and much
    more to enjoy in everyday life.

    Very true, Penelope Ma'am! There are no dearth of things to appreciate rather than be brought down to our knees by insignificant matters. All your images are just classic! Great play of appreciating colours and forms!



  13. Hello,
    Love your banners and they have critters included, so cute. On my walks, I am always looking for the beauty. It is everywhere if you look. Love your photos. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great weekend.

  14. Your keen eye for photoworthy subjects is truly remarkable. These images are absolutely fantastic! And when the long-awaited rain breaks the dry spell, it becomes a refreshing blessing to savor.

  15. I was too old to play with a Barbie, and then I had a boy who had other interests, like cars and airplanes. So Barbie is completely unknown to me, I only saw her in shops.

  16. I love this collection of visual pleasures and ruminations. Reading your posts are always like joining you in a very vivid trip--you let us see and feel everything.

    I'm curious about the Barbie movie. So much potential... for humor and social commentary.

  17. I love the rainwater splashing on stones. Wonderful, uplifting photos.


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