Stranger Than Fiction

Her giggle bounced on ripples of sound
Like wizard wands, stirring up galaxies
Not a god or witch but born spellbound
Minor drop on a dot able to shift reality

Paradox abounds. We're tiny and weak yet at the same time powerful and impactful creating ripple effects. Survival is baked in yet those instincts wane when it comes to protecting Mother Earth and, therefore, ourselves. The Poets and Storytellers prompt "stranger than fiction" has me wondering if we are asking the right questions about existence. Who, what, when, why, where and how filter through our brains seemingly incapable of comprehending creation at its core. So we conjure up stories to explain the pieces we can grasp with our senses, knowing that a good plot is at the heart of every well-crafted tale. Wouldn't it be strange to learn someday that humankind was the channel by which the cosmos sought to know itself? The truth about existence is surely infinitely weirder than any science fiction novel written. It is the mystery that keeps us exploring, curious to know more, wanting to believe it is solvable. 
Explore more at Poets and Storytellers UnitedSKYWATCH and Weekend Reflections

Because the state of our planet is the most pressing issue of our time, link up and learn about the  Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Report.



  1. Hello,
    Beautiful scenes and photos. We should all be curious, exploring new paths. It can be both exciting and scary, trying to find out more on the unknown. Take care, have a great day!

  2. Oh ~ divine photos that draw the viewer in to 'see' ~ the world as beautiful as it is ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  3. have captured so much beauty that surrounds you. I love puddle art too! Hold on to the light for as long as you can.

  4. Lovely views, both near and far. I am always intrigued by the visible roots of trees and enjoyed your walk through the forest.

  5. I love the way you think. The wonder of creation is truly amazing. I cannot even comprehend it. I distrust people who have all the answers, I am more interested in the questions.

  6. A beautiful piece of philosophical writing and love this fascinating question "Wouldn't it be strange to learn someday that humankind was the channel by which the cosmos sought to know itself?" and a great poem Love the last line

  7. Well I do think humankind may be that channel, yes.

  8. When all the poems and songs have run out of words we'll still be conjuring up unbelievable lines, i.e. "conjure up stories to explain the pieces we can grasp with our (own) senses." This was very pleasant reading and attempting to grasp every thought imbedded.

  9. If we do it just right, we can nurture that spark of curiosity in ourselves our whole life long and perhaps light it in others too.

  10. Your wondering has left me wondering too, and thinking that if we--humanity--are a story the universe crafted to understand herself, then the universe is in trouble.

    Love the pictures.

  11. What a gift to be part of the mystery

  12. wondering if we are asking the right questions about existence. - absolutely!!

  13. Beautiful shots! I like the effect applied on the images.

  14. Enjoyed your very well-written words, and the accompanying photos. The 4-line poem reminds me of the butterfly effect. :)

  15. Fantastic photos and wonderful narrative. These scenes conjure a magical world.

  16. Magic conjured. I just reread Carl Sagan's blue dot speech about our home planet today. You see it well.

  17. Maria - love the wooden staircase and the reflection photo after it. I agree with you - we might not be asking the right questions. But I am certain that part of the problem is we are not listening to the answers ...

  18. Lovely meandering trails and reflections. Life is always stranger than fiction!

  19. Curiosity is a wonderful trait; I don't understand people who don't delight in it; there is always more to learn and more to see and more to think about. Your photos and words are great starting points.


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