Letting Go & Flying Solo

Poof! The "magic" of daily life went splat when I fell, broke a few bones, including my wrist which ended up in a cast. The awkward painful days that followed made it clear that two hands functioning in tandem together is a beautiful ballet. With one hand doing the job of two, simple tasks became monumental chores, inspiring a poem.
Peeling a banana (no, I didn't slip on one, the culprit was sea kelp) or opening packaging single-handed is ridiculously tricky and requires significant creativity. Immobility left holiday decorations mostly unpacked. One tiny tree filled the gap by being extra glitzy. When the cast was removed, I learned that the sleepy bones and tendons beneath resisted waking, aching at each new call to action. Thankfully, the body wants to heal but it is a slow process of exercising that restores movement. 
Streams of lovely light seeped in to grace the room like a soothing balm when I was housebound. With one hand to take pictures I captured sights outside my windows.
These chubby birds visit my holly tree each winter. Sometimes the hungry pluck of a berry looked more like the donning of Rudolph's red nose.
Lucky for them they arrived one day ahead of a massive overnight snowfall.
It was time for planes to get grounded, cars to stay parked ...
and for sledders to slide down the hilly slippery streets.
After creating fun but mostly havoc for travelers, flakes melted in the rain. The new year with its aura of freshness had me thinking that the foolish destructive acts of the past also could wash away and that life might progress in wiser directions. We have all seen how sometimes out of adversity wonderful things emerge in miraculous ways. 

Explore more at Poets and Storytellers UnitedSKYWATCH, Saturday's Critters and Mosaic Monday

Check out my sites: Postcards from Penelope Puddle and Musings of A Puddlist In B.C.

Because the state of our planet is the most pressing issue of our time, link up and learn about the  Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Report.



  1. Sorry to hear that you broke your wrist. That is not fun. As you say simple tasks become a real chore. I have never broken my wrist, but a few years ago my thumb on my right hand got infected and swollen and was painful to the touch. Fastening a shirt button became an exercise in logistical planning! Thanks goodness for antibiotics and a patient wife!

  2. So sorry to hear about your wrist. I'm guessing there are some things that just can't be done with one hand, and everything else is much more difficult (like typing?). Hope you heal quickly, and beautiful photos!

  3. Sorry about the cast:) These birds are hilarious:) But I like the image of the girl the most!

  4. Oh - so sorry about your accident! Have missed you! :) Glad you are on the mend, although can't imagine flying with one wing clipped! :( Love the snow pics and the poem :)

  5. Hello,
    So sorry to hear about your fall and broken bones. It is hard trying to do things one handed, I've have had hand surgeries and cast, it is difficult. Your photos look awesome, you did great with one hand. Love the cute Robins, snow covered trees and the cute kiddie on the sled. Take care, sending healing prayers. Have a great day and weekend ahead.

  6. Hope your hand recovers quickly, can only imagine how challenging it must be to do everyday things. Yet the pictures with one hand are wonderful...love, love those birds and berries!

  7. Limb couples do terribly when they can't dance together. My shoulders and hips have been not-quite-matching in strength (or lack of pain) in sometime, and it isn't the best of situations. I hope your hands get to dance in balance very soon.

  8. "left of my right". Well penned and I am sorry your broke it but the photos out your window are lovely - so well done "right". I adore the Rudolph nose ;)

  9. Right falter solo when left plays dead. Perfect. Almost like a marriage. Slip on the ice. The last shot made me hope the snow softened the fall.

  10. Beauty emerging from adversity. Thank you for the lovely photos and wise insights

  11. Lots of distant reiki healing for your wrist ~ Wonderful series of photos ~ awesome! Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  12. You are one amazing person to be able to post so many images and be creative even with the pain. Thank you for the gift of knowing you through a Blog of all things. It is an honor.

  13. Sorry you broke your wrist Love your clever poem about it. I broke my right wrist about 2 years ago and it was 5 weeks in cast. Not pleasant no. The photos are stunning, especially the one with the birds. Happy New year to you

  14. This is a pretty post, lots of flowers. It isn't fun being one handed or one legged. Mostly I've been just the legs or feet, hands are holding in there. I am glad you coud make the most of yours. Great report!!

  15. I hope your wrist continues to heal. I love your poem and your photos, and your whole post.

  16. I'm glad you haven't been defeated – if challenged!

  17. Nice to hear from you again, Maria. I'm glad that you’re slowly returning to the “magic” of daily life. I’m amazed with your photos taken one-handed and as always love your writing. These challenging time must have made you more resilient for the future. Take care of yourself.

  18. Hello Maria,
    I wanted to stop back and say thank you for the comment and for linking up and sharing your post. I just loved your Robin photos, they look so cute. I hope you are recovering and healing well. Take care, enjoy your weekend!

  19. Broken bones do present some challenges for us! Nice pics, love the birds and the berries but the young girl is a darling pic.

  20. Oh I'm sorry to hear about your fall too. It does take so long to heal and get everything back in working order! Take care! Love those pretty Robins! We have some here now too for the winter.

  21. Reading your poem it made me think about the loss of my husband, two completely different things, but I miss everywhere. Your pictures are beautiful !

  22. Sorry about your wrist injury. Wishing speedy recovery. Such gorgeous images!

  23. Hope you're on the mend soon. You got some nice pictures though. The Robins look like they are enjoying themselves, and I love the snow scenes.

  24. Take care. I hope you are healing well.
    Even with one hand on the camera, the photos are lovely. :)

  25. Hold onto the Light... yes, I agree. Thank you for sharing your mosaics with us, with MosaicMonday. I enjoyed reading.

    Hugs by Heidrun

  26. WOW, nice job with one hand though. Love the birds. :) Seems like you have the kind of On and Off winter as we have. Not that fun.

  27. Maria - so sorry to hear about your injuries. We do take the simplest of tasks for granted until we can't do them any longer ... Snow is so beautiful, especially when you don't have to travel in it! I adore the pictures of the fluffy robins - our son loves "plump" birds, so I sent him a link to your post! Thank you so much for visiting my blog!

  28. Oh my goodness Maria -- Ouch!! that was not fun for you and I hope PT exercises are bringing your hand back to normal. The poem was a cheerful acknowledgement of the difficulties without whining --I salute you for that. And for using some of your house-bound time to take those excellent pictures. (That weather though!! Looks like it was hibernation time for everybody, even those with two good hands ))


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