Fan Of Music & Food For The Soul

I gave the guitar ceiling fan a painterly touch. It hung at a restaurant we visited with my husband's lifelong friend, an original member of the 60's band, The Quid. The two men haven't seen each other in years. My husband is in the forefront of the photo (below) taken long ago. He composed the Mercyside instrumental in the video.
For dessert, billowy clouds over Crescent Beach dished out their usual eye candy.

A lone bright yellow daffodil reminded me of Ukraine and its horrible plight.
 Along the way, a puppy's soulful expression struck a comforting note.

Clouds also billowed over Kwomais Point Park
Skywatch Friday inspires us to look up. Saturday's Critters features all creatures. 

Still the kid I used to be

Visit Postcards From Penelope Puddle and Musings of A Puddlist In B.C. to view more West Coast scenes.

Because the state of our planet is the most pressing issue of our time, link up and learn about the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Report.


  1. Definitely those puppy eyes are food for my soul :)

  2. That's the coolest ceiling fan I've ever seen! As a guitar player and band member for many years, I really enjoyed this post. The song reminds me of the Ventures and other surf bands of the 60's. Your husband was/is a heck of a guitar player!

  3. Love the puppy eyes! Who could resist?

  4. Let us all be reminded every day of the atrocities occurring in Ukraine, and try to absorb it, and reconcile our minds to the reality that we can descend into barbarism in an instant. Human depravity knows no limits, unfortunately.

  5. Oh that ceiling fan creation is awesome ~ great idea ~ handsome hubby and sweet doggie and gorgeous beach ~ Xo

    Wishing you love and laughter in your days,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  6. Greetings and Salutations! Awesome ceiling fan!

  7. Hello,
    The guitar ceiling fan is cool. I enjoyed the guitar music and song, your husband is a talented guitarist.
    Beautiful views of the beach and clouds. Pretty skies. The little pup is a cutie. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a happy weekend.

  8. Seeing again a lifelong friend musician under the guitar ceiling fan sounds perfectly lovely. I could not help smiling at the puppy. You often encounter such a charming dog, don’t you, Maria? And, what magical clouds!


  9. How neat about your husband and his music! And the puppy? precious!

  10. Hello, :=) I like your painterly touch, and your photographic touch too. Your cloudy sky shots are delightful. What a cute puppy, and I enjoyed reading about your husbands band and life long friend.

  11. I love the video, how wonderful a memory!


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