Facing Our Fears?

HALLOWEEN decorations abound this time of the year ... the more ghoulish the better. I prefer images that soothe the soul so this fascination with representations of death and horror puzzles me, especially when true misery is everywhere. Perhaps because we so rarely discuss our own inevitable demise it's a way to stare down our fears.

It was unnerving to see severed feet dangling from a tree (below). It reminded me that we are literally bombing one another to oblivion, for real, in some parts of the world. But then I thought ... hey, what I'm seeing here is pure plastic.

I don't dare to stay scared for long. I'd rather focus on the best of the season when people get wildly creative decorating front yards and fences ... and themselves.

Way back in 2011, my husband and I searched for costumes and tried on masks to get into the Halloween spirit. You can check out my pictures of that day HERE.

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Still the kid I used to be

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  1. This whole horror clown thing has ruined clowns for a lot of people. I've never dressed in gore for Halloween. Just put on ears or a hat and something flashy.

  2. These "horror" pictures make me laugh ! Maybe it's a strange reaction, because when I watch a horror film it's so exaggerated that I have to laugh ! With Thrillers it's different !

  3. The first image is so frightening, the second somewhat laughable, the third eerie. I like it when people celebrate and enjoy their tradition but don’t go to extremes. Happy Halloween!


  4. Neat and scarrrrry photos for Halloween!

    Happy Day to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  5. Great photos! I know what you mean though. I'm not one for decorating for Halloween and it is not a favorite holiday, but I will be giving out candy on the 31st. I also take photos of Halloween decorations and will share those tomorrow.

  6. I am not a huge Halloween fan mainly because it seems to be about spending money on a lot of plastic rubbish


  7. Gosh - those really are some scary decorations. Like you, I prefer the less macabre.

  8. I do think people like horror movies and the like because it allows them (for a short period) to face some pretty deep fears. And then go back to a normal life. For the rest of us, Halloween is just a fun time to adopt another persona, and it's publicly acceptable to do so!!!

  9. Oh my lord, those are some of the eeriest I've ever seen. I still can't get over the way this particular Holiday has been 'adulted'.... Halloween used to just be for kids to have an excuse to dress up and get out and extort some candy from the neighbors. Every kid I knew loved it (when I was one and when I was the mother of young ones). I know it makes me an old fogey, but I really hate that it isn't still that way.

  10. I am probably aging myself (not a bad thing at all) but I remember when Halloween was simply a chance for children to dress up and have fun, with mildly scary images that were part of the whole shtick. Now many of the adornments have become tasteless and often downright disturbing.


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