Last Minute Trick

People world-over are in midst of critical decisions. The choices are imperfect but some are better for the health of the planet. And while some seek to curtail polluters, others vote for short-term gain, putting life on Earth at further risk. Global warming is hard to ignore when I step out the door and sometimes smell smoke, depending on which way the wind is blowing. Although not near me, fires are raging in my province of B.C. and in neighbouring Alberta. If only we could correct past mistakes with the magic snap of a finger. Instead, I hope for a dousing of rain to magically materialize. Extremely late in the climate change game, solutions feel so very "last minute", the word-prompt at Poets and Storytellers United that inspired some wishful thinking, (poem at bottom of post), followed by a morning walk where the sun played tricks with light and shadow. 


  1. ...Maria, this week smoke from Canadian fires has reached wester New York State. We all are in this mess together, let's work together.

    1. Agreed! Earth knows no borders. It's an issue that needs global attention.

  2. we need Sabrina the witch to twitch her nose and make it all good

  3. Your photos are beautiful. They give me hope.

  4. Beautiful photos and a great call to action.

  5. Divine shadow and light photos and united we can heal the earth and ourselves ~ hugs to you ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka ( A Creative Harbor)

  6. Beautiful photos. The destruction caused by wildfires is certainly distressing. Sometimes I feel it is too late for change or that not enough people are willing to do their part. But we must keep hope alive. xx

  7. I'm sorry to know of such terrible things happening so near you. Attempts at redress are very last-minute indeed.

    1. Thank you, Rosemary. Even if we don't see it, near to us all, I fear.

  8. Let's hope for the last stanza standing! Love the scenes and color. I tweaked my short poem for the potential factor.

  9. Hope everyone is safe... people and animals..there is no silver bullet, we have to stop drilling, there's literally no other way. :(

  10. Something about those yellow flowers really resonates. Perhaps they remind me of meerkats.

  11. My family just told us about the Jasper fire. We have reservations for a family reunion in Oct, now we have to play by ear. So so sad.

  12. Hello,
    I have heard of those wildfires, I feel sorry for all those in the path.
    I hope something can be done before it is too late.
    Your photos are beautiful. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great weekend.

  13. your pictures are really fun and beautiful!! i did not know about the fires until our weatherman recently reported about them. apparently the smoke is reaching us here in new jersey but i have not noticed anything. have a nice weekend!!

  14. Such a powerful poem and I love all your images. I do hope you will be getting that dowsing rain, for everyone's sake. These wildfires are absolutely dreadful!

  15. I can’t agree with you more, Maria. Climate change is a global emergency and affects our offspring much more than us. Some people’s main focus is economy but record-breaking torrential rains, storms, wildfires, .. have caused huge economic losses. Perhaps due to the too humid weather, wild fires are rare in my country, though the heat wave with high humidity is really matter of life or death.

  16. Beautiful pics! Your poem is a powerful call to action. The imagery is vivid and the message is clear.

  17. People with fresh ways of seeing bring me hope.

  18. Humans really are running down the clock. *sigh*


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