"Canada is broken, axe the tax ..." are chants courtesy of the Conservative Party seeking power by denigrating
the carbon tax effort as well as the entire great country of Canada. Yes, like in all countries there are problems. Despite the flaws, according to the 2023 Best Countries ranking by
U.S. News, Canada had been rated second-best in the world overall. (The "broken" mantra inspired a poem at the bottom of this post.)
As Canada drifts into the election in 2025, I suspect climate change will dawn even on some refusing to accept its human causes and seriousness. The tax (rebated to folks of modest income) is just a small piece of what needs to be done. Coastal communities like Crescent Beach are particularly vulnerable to storm surges and sea rises.
There has been much thought given to how to mitigate the inevitable and/or prevent damage to the small seaside community as described
Meanwhile, people are also enjoying their precious moments on Earth. When breezes appear so do the sailboats.
For the curious there is much to explore and do.
There's also lots to protect inland, including forests and park lands where fire is always a fear. At Crescent Park, a walk amid rustling leaves as songbirds flit through the trees, and breathing in the mossy woodsy scents beneath a canopy of green, never ceases to inspire serenity and respect for the natural world. Indeed, trees are on the front lines, drawing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, storing carbon in trunks, branches and roots. Canada has an estimated 318 billion trees ... but who's counting and who can we count on to do what is right for life on this improbable planet that is our home.
Canada isn't broken but problem-solving can break down regarding key issues, especially when opposing factions seek to erode confidence, create wedges, distract and solve nothing. Despite this, to those who know history and what true freedom means, Canada remains strong, free and a beacon. "O Canada! Our home and
broken land!" sounds like the wrong song to be singing and for which we need not stand.