It seems like yesterday, yet an eternity ago, when I swooned over the Beatles. I didn't see them in person in 1964 when they were at the Empire Stadium in Vancouver but I did get a copy of their promotional photo sent to the Vancouver Sun and given to me by a friend who worked at the newspaper. George was my favorite. We all know what happened to him and the other Beatles but I am curious about the girls fiddling with the hair of the famous four. This was a highlight day for them but as life moved on each woman would have had a personal tale to tell of future hardships and glory.

My eldest sister, who long since passed away, collected photos of famous faces she admired. This included such talents as Luciano Pavarotti and Frank Sinatra. Her own beautiful face gained some fame. As an aspiring model and actress in her youth, she was Ellie May in a stage production of Tobacco Road and Juliet in Shakespeare's play. While not a huge star in the firmament, her spark persevered a largely difficult and dramatic life. A passionate composer of poetry, she contemplatively wrote:
"Look at the moon when the night talks. Many people are colossal for being small."
was small amid tall trees after stepping away from old scrapbooks to explore a local forest. My mood was starry-eyed but now at the grandeur of the moment. The snow had melted but the stairs were slippery. Few
people were out. Almost alone in the well the woods, I felt part of a larger
mysterious scheme.
"We are all a thread in the talent tapestry,” author
Michele Jennae wrote,
“A snapshot in the cosmic, collective collage.”