Pothole Puddles & How To Carry An Umbrella

A veil of rapid rain suddenly fell from the heavens pouring my sunny ponderings down the hilly road. Drops danced like pins along the parched pavement, gathering in murky pools. This was the best kind of rain ... quenching thirsty roots but not drowning the earth. Such perfect short-lived moments keep B.C. green and children hopping. The bigger the potholes the bigger the puddles to jump into after the rain. 
I captured moments of children splashing I didn't post. There were marvelous waves and antics but trying to obscure faces in respect to privacy was a challenge. 

Even more challenging was trying to swim in a puddle but what a delight to view.

It was a fun time for the preschoolers but can you imagine the clean up later?!!!

It didn't take long for the hot sun to evaporate the water and for umbrellas to fold. The passerby (below) had a hands-free approach in the unpredictable changeable weather. He slung his umbrella over his shoulder like an archer carrying a bow or quiver of arrows, ready to vanquish the drops. I wondered if time flew by quickly for him. When did he last jump in a puddle? Would he leap in now as a grownup? Would you? I sidestepped puddles but had I worn gumboots that day I might have waded in too.

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Still the kid I used to be

Visit Postcards From Penelope Puddle and Penelope Puddlisms: BC Life Is A Whale Of A Ride to view more West Coast scenes.

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  1. Oh the wonderment of innocent play! :)
    Great photos!
    I would delight in jumping in puddles

  2. What fun and precious time for little kids! How cute it is to try to swim in the too shallow muddy pool! Little children like water, mud and dirt, and mixing them all to play with, splash, or dive into. I was reminded of the time when my son enjoyed turning the rear wheel of his bike in the puddle to splash and he came home with lots of dried mud on his face, limbs and clothes. As a child, I must have waded into a muddy pool perhaps with rainboots though I sidestep it now like you.


  3. Hello,

    Love the kiddies jumping in the puddles. They do look like they are having fun times. The man walking has a great way to carry the umbrella hands free. Wonderful photos. Happy weekend to you!

  4. I've started walking more in puddles when I am on trails. The ethical to do I am told is to through the center of the trail when it is puddled instead of making the puddle bigger by skirting it. So splashing through the middle I go.

    1. Haha ... I love this idea! Not only is it fun, it serves a useful purpose too.

  5. Those photos made me smile. The innocence of youth. Mind you I wouldn't have wanted to clear up the mess.

  6. Wow! Have not seen such a sight in a long time ~ sweet photos of the happy children in the big puddle ~ Xo

    Live in the moment,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  7. thank you for sharing photos that remind me when I was kid....
    great shots

  8. Too cute these photos ! I think when I was that age my mother would have killed me if I had jumped in puddles. I have to say for her excuse there was no washing machine !

  9. It really is quite wonderful to see those children having so much fun. Despite all the technological gadgets they have access to today, a puddle of water is still about it's as good as it gets! I think I could be tempted to join them without too much pressuring. Maybe I am in the dawn of my second childhood!

  10. Delightful photos of all the children jumping in puddles. I can't remember if I ever did that but I hope so. It looks like a whole lot of fun. The gentleman with the clever way of carrying his umbrella, must adopt! Wonderful photos that certainly bring me a smile. Thank you so much!

  11. I am so delighted to see these children playing in puddles. I know many parents that would turn up their noses and be worried about infections and the like. Maybe fewer kids would get sick if they played in the dirt and rain water more often!!!

  12. I love seeing the kids having fun in the puddles and love even more the fact that nobody stopped them. That seems like such a rare thing these days. Also I love the idea of rain. Wish I had a puddle to splash in on this hot June day!!

    1. Not long after posting about puddles, a major heatwave appeared and there will not be a raindrop in sight for many more days to come I fear.

    2. Our news here in Colorado is saying that there have been over 200 deaths due to the heat in British Columbia, and a high of 121 degrees in some places... Whoa... Hope you can stay cool somehow...


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