All Things New ... Again

Spring doesn't come easily, although it comes around naturally. Some shoveled mountains of snow and endured harsh extreme weather. Tears flowed and weary worn out things shed and withered so life could begin anew.  As Earth recycles itself, what never gets old for me are my daughter's paintings and drawings from long ago. 

Some of us who have seen it all before never tire of the wind-swept horizons that survive winter storms. While I wait my turn in this restorative season of vaccines and sandcastles, there is a clear sense that doors previously closed are opening. Familiar landscapes look more promising when seen through the fresh eyes of spring.

My photo digitally adjusted with an art tool reflects how I saw a walker amid driftwood at the beach. There is bliss in setting mental images of hoped-for possibilities adrift.

Discover the artistic side of life at Paint Party Friday and spring into new landscapes at Mosaic Monday and OUR WORLD.
Still the kid I used to be

Visit Postcards From Penelope Puddle and Penelope Puddlisms: BC Life Is A Whale Of A Ride to view more West Coast scenes.

Because the state of our planet is the most pressing issue of our time, link up and learn about the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Report.


  1. I have quite a few friends who have been vaccinated, and they have said how they felt euphoric, set free, alive again. It is very fitting that this is happening at spring-time in the northern hemisphere - a time of re-awakening and re-birth! Lovely photos in your post!

  2. Hello,
    Spring starts this weekend, I hope the Spring weather starts too. We have had some cold and windy weather. We will be able to look for the vaccine starting on next Tuesday, hopefully we can find an appointment.
    I will feel a little safer after getting vaccinated. I enjoyed your photos, love the walker image. Take care, enjoy your weekend!

  3. Wonderful photos, love the walker among the driftwood, so beautiful. Spring is a r time! Happy PPF, Valerie

  4. It is said neither cold nor heat last beyond the Equinox. I have been in the mood for spring as I hear the effectiveness of the vaccine though I’m not sure yet when I’ll have a jab. Nice mosaic of photos. “Familiar landscapes look more promising when seen through the fresh eyes of spring.” is so true.

  5. This Spring, more than previous Springs, I feel such a spirit of optimism about the future.

  6. Gorgeous and creative series of 'Spring coming soon' ~ Xo

    Living moment by moment,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  7. I especially like what you did digitally on that last photo! Beautiful... What program/"art tool" are you using to get that affect? It looks just like a painting! :)

    1. Thank you! Although I don't know much else about it, lunapic offers a multitude of fun options to play with. :)

    2. Ok thanks... I'll look into it... :)

  8. Spring here is rain, rain, rain, and more rain. Oh and let us not forget the wind. So spring is not my favorite time of year. However, I love this post and all the art. Have a great weekend.

  9. A lovely post of hope and renewal- just in time for spring! Happy PPF!

  10. I never tire of looking back on my children's artwork, the mind of a child is full of innocent creativity. Love you digital conversion of the walk alongside the driftwood so mindful. Happy PPF Tracey.

  11. love your ocean and beach theme. And your first image, so much remembrance about childhood as it was.
    Take care!

  12. I also had my vaccine and off to seen one set of grandkids and off to see the other set over Easter.
    Happy PPF
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  13. Spring, aaah, should be true here too - next week! Thanks for sharing your spring!

  14. Wonderful photos from beach and the image spring is so beautiful spring!
    Take care , hug Elke

  15. I love spring, it's my favorite season everything smells so fresh ! Your pictures make me want to sit there on the bench !No snow anymore I hate winter. Slowly spring moves in, the trees start blooming, but unfortunately it is still a bit cold.

  16. Spring does give us renewed hope! We are having some light showers that will lead to more flowers! Love the digitally altered neat!

  17. Lovely thoughts and photos. I am fortunate to have received two vaccine shots the past two months and now have a sense of some immunity. My family will be able to gather soon mask less! What we took for granted will never be again. Our spring is still quite snowy but I know it will finally arrive a few months form now with beauty!

  18. P.S. Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday!

  19. What a fantastisc mood in this captures. Especially the walk on the beach is my favorite.

    Have a good week.

  20. Lovely! Very much looking forward to getting the vaccine although it looks to be several months into the future for me...

  21. yes, we will have beautiful flowers in the spring....
    the last two images are wonderful....great captured.

    Have a nice spring

  22. Spring is on the way for all of us (in the northern hemisphere anyway), no matter its guise, and we will welcome it in its own time as we always have done. Many signs are already apparent here and yesterday we saw three species of butterfly - Mourning Cloak, Compton's Tortoiseshell and Eastern Comma. Now that's a confirmation of spring!

  23. I loved these photos and the effect you added to your last photo. Not quite as chilly here any more. Looking forward to warmer days.


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