The Art Of Serenity

"Optimism means better than reality; pessimism means worse than reality. I'm a realist." - Margaret Atwood

Most were happy to see 2020 end, knowing that much of what happened in the unfortunate year would squeeze into the next. Masks will still be worn. I remember when I couldn't find a single one and tried to make my own. Now I have too many. 

The calendar page turned; a new door opened. The welcome mat came out to invite in better days for 2021. Instead, accidents happened and, shockingly, rioters appeared at the US Capital Building doorsteps, storming entrance ways and smashing glass. 

The future is knocking at its inevitable pace and the healthier more peaceful world we craved eludes us. There is an art to the serenity we seek on stormy days. As I found with Penelope, sometimes it's actual art, creating it or being inspired by it.     

A Mother's Love by Tammy Smart
Our Christmas gift of a painting (above) shows loons in their natural setting. The pair entwine past and future in a very beautiful and present way. A Mother's Love by artist Tammy Smart reminds me that it is Mother Nature that keeps us afloat. (My apologies for the potted plant and other reflections in the glass.) I love the calming work. Not knowing what will be can be stressful. Many had high hopes for 2020 that didn't materialize. The challenge now is to carry that optimism into the New Year. 

Explore more at OUR WORLD and enjoy the artistic side of life at Paint Party Friday.

Still the kid I used to be

Visit Postcards From Penelope Puddle and Penelope Puddlisms: BC Life Is A Whale Of A Ride to view more West Coast scenes.

Because the state of our planet is the most pressing issue of our time, link up and learn about the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Report.


  1. Hello,

    I love you Mother Loon painting. It is beautiful. I am hoping and praying for our country to unite, Biden will be very busy. The current leader needs to go now, he purposely incites trouble. Take care, enjoy your day!

  2. Thank you for responding to and mentioning the attempted coup of the Capitol here in the U.S. by Trump supporters... Shocking indeed. A sad day in America. And certainly a wake-up call that this would have been allowed to happen. And thank you too for your imagery of calm in the storm and your words "Nature keeps us afloat" - returning to the simplicity of Nature itself, and turning within to find the deep peace that always prevails even in chaotic times.

  3. We can hardly believe the events in the US and hope that everything will return to some sort of sanity very soon. Love your painting and your own art. Keep safe.

  4. Ever optimistic that 2021 will be an improvement ~ Gorgeous Loon painting that certainly invokes serenity ~ Loving wishes to you and family.

    Moment by moment,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  5. A beautiful painting that really reflects this deep in our lives. Stay calm with everything that's happening. Believe and hope in us, the Ntaur is our best role model for us humans!
    Take care of yourself and stay healthy, hugs Elke

  6. The events in Washington were shocking and shameful. Love your painting of the loons. Valerie

  7. Interesting photo of the masks, striking even.

  8. Beautiful calm image.
    I love the concept of Mother Nature Keeps us Afloat - very true.

  9. I truly love what you wrote today. The mother loon, what a wonderful gift. It feels like hope. Have a nice weekend.

  10. Yes, life has given us much to bear this past year, and again in the beginning of this new year. There is a light trying to get through.
    Love the painting of the loons- so calming. Happy PPF!

  11. I agree with your words and reflections. We must work at keeping hope and joy alive. Happy New Year to you.

  12. Yes we entered the New Year with a terrible Drama which showed us the way Trump has made America great ! It's a shame ! Our lockdown continues until end January ! Another lost month ! The paintings are beautiful !

  13. What with the people at the Capitol Hill riots and with my country’s worsening COVID-19 crisis with many people acting as they like despite the urgent situation, I’m simply sad, though I believe democracy and conscience are shimmering even in the chaos. Thanks for this post and the painting.


  14. I have a dream of going to this one place in New England, where there are so many loons migrating, and their cries as they settle on a large misty lake sounded ethereal. I remember someone posted a video and I was in awe. Your photo is beautiful and reminded me of my dream to see and hear them for myself! I had hopes that 2021 would be a much better year and then this happened at the Capitol Building. And with the pandemic going on too. I like what stardust said about democracy and conscience are shimmering in the chaos. Succinctly put! I have to believe this. I live 25 miles away from DC and have been to the Capitol Building several times. To know what went on there saddens me greatly, and to have that sacred building desecrated in such a way is beyond belief. I have to keep hope that things will become better but fear we have a long road.

  15. A happy New Year Hope 2021 will turn into something better but nature will always continue to marvel. What an amazing painting So peaceful and beautiful Love it Love the quote at the top as well

  16. That painting oozes serenity and is a reminder of how nature can soothe our troubled lives.

  17. I am a realist too....
    beautiful it.

    Have a wonderful day

  18. At first I thought they were sling bags. I sooo love the final art piece.

  19. We need all the calm we can get! That painting is lovely.

  20. Maria - sometimes things have to get worse (imagine!) before they can get better. I totally decry the events at the Capitol, AND I think they have served to turn a bit of a tide. Yes, I am an eternal optimist!

  21. Hello Maria: I think that on balance, I am with Margaret Atwood (I have actually been on an Atwood reading binge of late). One always tries to serve oneself an extra large helping of optimism, but sometimes the handle of the spoon is too short for the pot. When I contemplate that 74 millions of Americans voted for Trump, and still buy into his lies and conspiracy theories with the fervour of cult followers everywhere, it is hard for me to find optimism for our brethren south of the border. The disgusting events at the Capitol may be over for now, although Washington has been turned into an armed camp to achieve civil peace, but the underlying divisions in that society have not gone anywhere.

  22. Not so long ago, I would have thought it ironic that the author of the Handmaids Tale considered herself a realist. No longer ... now it’s too close to a possible reality. ... hoping that tomorrow brings a real new start, without further trauma. (Though, as you state about the start of the new year, I know the woes also don’t end with the Inaguration.). ....The loon painting is beautiful, hopeful, perfect.


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