Artistic Expressions Explain The World & Our Place WithIn It

“Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time.” said mystic and author Thomas Merton. Either making it or soaking it in visually, the wonders we find here on Earth capture our imaginations and stimulate our senses. We often are left speechless in the wake of our pondering. Some things simply are not understood through ordinary language. Examining our surroundings through mathematical equations, poetic reflections, music or with camera in hand can be more revealing. For artist Georgian Perkins Hunt paintbrush and canvas bring a glimmer of inner knowing to light. I spotted her umbrella, shimmering over the sea, at Crescent Beach recently. She had just gotten started with her current project but I was delighted to discover many of her completed works HERE. I'm sure she'd be pleased if you had a look.

Explore more at OUR WORLD and image-in-ing.

Still the kid I used to be

Visit Postcards From Penelope Puddle and Penelope Puddlisms: BC Life Is A Whale Of A Ride to view more West Coast scenes.

Because the state of our planet is the most pressing issue of our time, link up and learn about the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Report.


  1. Hello,
    I can easily soak visually the wonders of our earth. I love the quote "Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time." Lovely capture of the artist. Take care, enjoy your day!

  2. That's cool - I like this!
    Thanks for sharing at

  3. I followed the link. I have to agree, Georgina is a fine artist. And she has some wonderful places from which to draw inspiration.

  4. That's what I need to get the hummingbird shots I've been trying to get!

  5. You know people surprise you. My mother, the whole time I was growing up, told us that when she retired, she was going to learn how to paint because she had a bunch of paintings in her head that she needed to get out. And we would go, oh sure (she was Irish and had a bit of the blarney about her.) And you know something, that is exactly what she did, she took lessons and then painted scene after scene of mountains, the desert southwest, and other things. It was amazing and she just said, I told you what I was going to do.

  6. Georgina creating her works of art while standing under her umbrella ...she is Penelope’s soulmate! I followed the link. Just wonderful...I’m so glad she found her inspiration in the beautiful Canadian Rockies.

  7. The dedication and great painting talent of Georgian Perkins Hunt is admirable.

  8. Artists are so fascinating and nature provides the awesome views ~ wonderful photo of artist painting ~ ^_^

    Live each moment with love,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  9. Without Art, the world will not just be a boring place but also not as functional as it is. there will be no sense of fulfillment since fulfillment i believe comes from the beauty that we see in things and situations and that requires art! Thank you so much for this beautiful realization Penelope :)

  10. In an age of computerized manipulation of just about everything, original art is more of a joy than it ever was. Would that I had that kind of creativity in me.

  11. Thank you for introducing us to this exceptionally talented artist. Thank you for the link also. Her paintings are amazing!

  12. Oh how wonderful I love paintings and love these landscape paintings She is great. Thanks for art One of the pleasures of life.

  13. Beautiful pictures as is your capture of the artist at work.

  14. I always see artists in the beautiful landscapes such as lake, mountain, beaches....

    Have a great weekend


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