This Deep Well Of Madness & Tears

TODAY there is no happy place from which to ponder words by Robert Kennedy who didn't know that he, too, like his brother before him, would be assassinated when he asked: What has violence ever accomplished? What has it ever created? No martyr's cause has ever been stilled by an assassin's bullet. No wrongs have ever been righted by riots and civil disorders. A sniper is only a coward, not a hero; and an uncontrolled or uncontrollable mob is only the voice of madness, not the voice of the people.

Raindrops spilling down leaves signified to me the deep well of tears in our world. In the wake of the grotesque events, most recently in New Zealand, the violence humankind unleashes upon itself seems bottomless. The boogeymen I imagined as a kid are real and leave people sleepless until all but the traumatized loved ones of innocent victims blot out the fear, knowing there are monsters among us.

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Still the kid I used to be

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  1. The terrible tragedy in New Zealand is impossible to understand. How do our fellow humans get to a place where they can willfully murder people they did not even know? How can hatred become so deep? Why is it that grief seems unable to reset the balance so that it doesn't happen again? Will we never learn? The answer obviously is no. Our own depravity knows no bounds.

  2. Beautiful and bittersweet shot. I was so saddened to hear the news from New Zealand on NPR when I was going to work.

  3. A horrible horrible tragedy and now news coming in about shootings in Holland (possibly as revenge)...

  4. The tragedy in New Zealand was awful, we can not let these terrorist take over our countries and our feeling of safety. Enjoy your day, have a happy week ahead.

  5. I was not familiar with the Robert Kennedy quote but it rings true more than ever now.

  6. Your post's comments will, I'm sure, resonate with many around the world. Thank you for sharing Robert Kennedy's words. Each moment we have on this earth is precious; let us spend it in pursuit of helping others and share love, not hate.

  7. Those tears are pooling up. Kennedy's words still resonate.

  8. Beautiful photo and so appropriate with the lovely post ~ so sad ~

    Happy Moments to You,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  9. It is heartbreaking, the senseless loss of life and for those families who were affected. You chose the perfect photo and words for your post, says it all.

  10. Beautiful. I'm pessimistic about our future.

  11. You are so good at finding the right words (those of others and your own). Thank you for saying what I wish I could. It is hard to remain positive these days.


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