
Showing posts from June, 2024

Heavenly Glow

"To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven ..."  interpretation from Ecclesiastes
On cloudless days, sometimes the sun is positioned just right to give the steeple a heavenly glow.
The humble Holy Cross Catholic Church in Crescent Beach, built by parishioners in 1946 in Carpenter Gothic style, was recently sold with the blessings of Rome. Sitting on valuable property just steps away from the beach, its sale will likely help finance future Catholic endeavors in nearby White Rock. Serving various functions over the years, the church had been rented to the All Saints Anglican community which hoped to purchase the building, in part, through fundraising. However, I'm not clear if they are the new owners at this writing. In contrast to much more elaborate places of worship, the church's construct might be considered one of elegant efficiency.
The Poets and Storytellers United prompt “elegant sufficiency” is a centuries-old term, perhaps meant tongue-in-cheek, when lack of wealth necessitates simplicity in a world filled with gluttony and excess. So we take heart in knowing that bigger and more are not always better and take pleasure when nice, but time-worn, things are restored.
The Sunflower Cafe nearby is another cozy gathering place. The original former owner started the business in 1999, focusing on nourishing local foods that have the taste of home cooking, similarly on the menu today. A new mural (above) is currently being painted onto the building's modest exterior wall by local artist Carla Maskall.
The functional relatively short pier at Crescent Beach is a marvel of simplicity adorned only by walkers. First erected in 1912, planks are replaced as needed. Posts and beams are regularly maintained and/or repainted.
Most recently, paint was dabbed onto a fresh face. The rock radiated its own special glow even as the clouds rolled in. The stony heart wore its unbroken smile despite a sudden teary shower.
What could be more elegant or sufficient ... no gem could ever hold, nor photo show, the iridescent glow of a single lovely raindrop.

Explore more at Poets and Storytellers UnitedSKYWATCH and Saturday's Critters

Because the state of our planet is the most pressing issue of our time, link up and learn about the  Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Report.


Journey Of Twists & Turns

Life and time might seem like a straight line but there are many twists and turns getting from the beginning to the stream at the end. Along the way, all creatures find themselves in places they did not intend to go. 
To dodge danger, bunnies weave unpredictably through the terrain.
A bird flits up, forward and down to swiftly get around.
Indeed, life sweeps us all down uneven and winding pathways.
Sometimes it has us going in circles.
Like blooms we scatter to appear in a tangle of welcoming and unwelcoming spaces.
Even the clouds looking down billow and bob along their way ...
and the sand, unsteady at our feet, ripples in differing directions as the tide carries transitioning puffs of sleepy dust to their secret destinations.
Attending a friend's celebration of life recently, the Poets and Storyteller United prompt to write of "something or someone recycled or re-purposed" had me thinking there is a certain freedom to transforming into dust and escaping our emotions and attachments. Loved ones who pass away live in our heads like books we have read about journeys with twists and turns we wish did not end. Implying our own impermanence, their sorrows and joys are lessons that tell us to worry less and be in awe more.
I hope you enjoy a compelling poem below by my friend Kay Davies who passed away. Written when she was sixteen, I don't think she would have minded me sharing it here:
Explore more at Poets and Storytellers UnitedSKYWATCH and Saturday's Critters

Because the state of our planet is the most pressing issue of our time, link up and learn about the  Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Report.